Hypnotherapy & Energy Clearing

Hypnosis, also referred to as hypnotherapy or positive hypnotic suggestions, is a trance-like state in which you have heightened focus and concentration. Hypnosis is usually done with the help of a therapist using verbal repetition and mental images. When you’re under hypnosis, you usually feel calm and relaxed, and are more open to suggestions.

Hypnosis can be used to help you gain control over undesired behaviors or to help you cope better with anxiety or pain. It’s important to know that although you’re more open to suggestion during hypnosis, you don’t lose control over your behavior as most believe.

Therapy Options Therapy Comparisons Why Hypnotherapy?

How effective is Hypnotherapy?

American health magazine compared different types of therapy and found:

Source: Barrios, Alfred A.

*Source: Barrios, Alfred A. “Hypnotherapy: A Reappraisal,” Psychotherapy (Vol 7, Number 1): Theory, Research and Practice (1970)


About The Therapist

I am a Certified Clinical and Medical Hypnotherapist a Silicon Valley techie and live with my family in the Bay Area. I have a passion for helping people who possess a strong desire to achieve their goals. I am continually impressed by the power of integrating the mind body and emotions to work together toward a balanced, happy life. Sometimes we just need some extra help getting where we want to be. We all have a wealth of power inside of us that can sometimes get misdirected, causing us to experience problems.

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“A vivid imagination compels the body to obey it“– Aristotle
“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one“– Albert Einstein
“Allow yourself to see what you don’t allow yourself to see”– Milton H. Erickson
“The unconcsious mind records all 1001 little details the conscious mind neglects”– John Grinder
“Since most problems are created by our imagination and are thus imaginary, all we need are imaginary solutions”– Richard Bandler
“People don’t come to therapy to change their past, but their future”– Milton H. Erickson
“We’re terrible at realising what goes on in other people’s heads because we are trapped inside our own”– Derren Brown
“Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better”– Émile Coué
“Our client’s problem is that they have lost rapport with their unconscious mind. Our job is to help restore that relationship”– Milton H. Erickson
“The easier you can make it inside your head, the easier it will make things outside your head”– Richard Bandler
“Thought can be so seductive and hypnotic that it absorbs your attention totally, so you become your thoughts”– Eckhart Tolle
“There’s always room for a great story that can transport people to another place”– J.K Rowling
"Energy is Everything”- Albert Einstein
“You can’t affect the cards that are dealt, but you can determine how you play them”– Milton H. Erickson
“We change the world not by what we say or do, but as a consequence of what we have become”– David R. Hawkins
“Brains aren’t designed to get results; they go in directions. If you know how the brain works you can set your own directions. If you don’t, then someone else will”– Richard Bandler
“Mastering others is strength, mastering yourself is true power”– Lao Tzu
“When you believe yourself to be master of your thoughts, you become so”– Émile Coué
“Think twice before you speak, because your words and influence will plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another”– Napoleon Hill
“Our job as a hypnotherapist is to make sure that the seed we plant is firmly planted, and we have all the nutrients surrounding the subconscious so it can deal with things in life”– Igor Ledochowski
“An entire sea of water can’t sink a ship unless it gets inside the ship. Similarly, the negativity of the world can’t put you down unless you allow it to get inside you”– Goi Nasu
“Change will lead to insight far more often than insight will lead to change”– Milton H. Erickson
“The greatest personal limitation is to be found not in the things you want to do and can’t, but in the things you’ve never considered doing”– Richard Bandler
“Persuasion is often more effectual than force”– Aesop
“You use hypnosis not as a cure but as a means of establishing a favorable climate in which to learn”– Milton H. Erickson
“Positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking ever will”– Zig Ziglar
“I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who conquers his enemies, for the hardest victory is over self”– Aristotle
“We can make, to ourselves, very much stronger suggestions than anyone else can, whoever that person may be"– Émile Coué
“The human species thinks in metaphors and learns through stories”– Mary Catherine Bateson
“Hypnosis is to consciousness what a telephoto lens is to a camera”– David Spiegel
“The mind is powerful, and you have more control than you think”– Scott D. Lewis
“Hypnosis is the epitome of mind-body medicine. It can enable the mind to tell the body how to react, and modify the messages that the body sends to the mind”– New York Times
“Hypnosis seems helpful in treating addictions, and the depression and anxiety associated with them…”– Psychology Today
“It’s hard to find a field that hasn’t used hypnosis successfully, everything from quitting smoking to IBS”– Good Morning America
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them”- Albert Einstein
"Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This IS Physics"- Albert Einstein
"Future medicine will be the medicine of Frequencies"- Albert Einstein
"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration"- Nikola Tesla