
Your privacy is extremely important to us, and you can trust that our sessions, as well as any of your personal information you share, is always held in the strictest of confidence.

Personal and confidential information disclosed in private hypnosis sessions is legally protected. However, there are some exceptions to this, including instances of suspected child or elder abuse, or when a client presents a serious danger of violence toward himself or herself or another person. If you’d like to learn more about our ethical standards and privileged communication exceptions, our office can provide additional information.

As a professional, qualified, accredited practitioner of hypnosis Ajjay takes his responsibility to his clients very seriously and works towards helping clients in the best way he can. However, the advice on this website is for information purposes only. It is not designed to diagnose, treat or substitute advice or treatment from a professional or consultant. Ajjayy is a complimentary therapist, meaning that he works alongside the work of practitioners and medically trained individuals, not in replacement of.

Ajjayy does not guarantee the effectiveness of treatment in any individual cases. As with everything in life there really can be no guarantees that any courses of action will solve your issues.  Results may vary. This is because Ajjayy is not in control of the client and it is important to understand that cognitive hypnotherapy and counseling or psychotherapy services are not a ‘magic pill’.

Occasionally Ajjayy may require clients to consult with their medical practitioners before gaining consenting to undertake hypnotherapy. Although hypnosis can help alleviate symptoms, it is highly important that you first consult with your medical practitioner as we do not want to ‘mask’ symptoms that could be signaling the need for urgent medical attention.

Any therapy requires the client be committed to change and be prepared to make the effort to make that change a reality in their own lives. If Ajjayy recommends listening to CD’s or recordings between sessions, then, in order for the treatment to be most effective, the client should follow this advice.

Hypnotherapy is not recommended for anybody experiencing certain mental disorders or psychiatric conditions. Therefore Ajjayy upholds the right to refuse to take a client into hypnosis if he feels it will be detrimental to their overall well being. In rare situations like these, Ajjayy will recommend the client seek medical practitioners help and advice instead.

Ajjayy can provide estimations regarding the session amount needed for various conditions or issues, but these act only as guidelines. Together Ajjayy & his client will jointly review progress from time to time.

For clarifications please email or call.

E-mail: therapy@wellnesshypno.com