PSYCHOTHERAPY: AKA “talk therapy,” is mental counseling that is based entirely on an interpersonal relationship where the client/patient talks with their therapist about their thoughts and feelings. Often — but not always — the client/patient has a mental disorder or illness. Sometimes people also need to work with psychiatrists who are medical doctors and can prescribe medication. There are many different techniques available to psychotherapists, the most common being cognitive behavioral therapy that works to adjust negative and dysfunctional thinking to improve mood.

COGNITIVE BEHAVIORAL THERAPY (CBT): In Cognitive Hypnotherapy, a patient is able to examine the beliefs that underlie unhelpful thoughts while in a hypnotic state. In this relaxed period of quiet reflection and deep attention, insights regarding one’s beliefs and assumptions can be made. Cognitive procedures can be administered while in the hypnotic state, or they can be discussed and worked on while in the typical waking state.

HYPNOTHERAPY: While similar in many of their goals, hypnotherapy works by giving suggestions directly to someone’s subconscious mind after putting them in the state of hypnosis that will change or modify habits whether they are habits of behavior, like increasing focus or getting rid of panic attacks, or habits of feeling, like lessening anxiety or even physical pain.